“Everyone knows that Thoreau is at or near the top of the list of American thinkers and writers. But as this lovely volume reminds us, he was also a world-class noticer, a remarkable and original observer of all things natural.”
— Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy
— Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy
To Buy the Book —
- Shop at Walden Pond
- Bookshop.org
- Yale University Press
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“Geoff Wisner's Thoreau's Animals gives the reader the opportunity to approach the animals of Thoreau's Concord as Thoreau would: from unexpected angles, from a different view, unhurriedly, with deliberation and sympathy.”
— Jeffrey Cramer, editor of Walden: A Fully Annotated Edition
— Jeffrey Cramer, editor of Walden: A Fully Annotated Edition
What's Happening —
Apologies for taking so long to update this site!
I'm delighted to announce that on April 4, 2025, I will be joining renowned bird artist Barry Van Dusen for our presentation Thoreau and the Birds of Concord at the Peabody-Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts.
In July as usual I will be in Concord for the Annual Gathering of the Thoreau Society. My topic will be Country Mouse and City Mouse at War: Henry David Thoreau and George Templeton Strong.
But the biggest news is that my next edited book, George Templeton Strong: Civil War Diaries, will be published in November by Library of America. This is a book that both LOA and myself have been wanting to make happen for many years. Preorder now!